Monday, October 27, 2008

Save the Sea Kittens!

OK, this is off topic, but I can't resist commenting on this urgent social and conservation issue. Laura has just made me aware of a critical conservation movement: Save the Sea Kittens! It seems that PETA has turned it's attention to that most maligned creature in the animal kingdom, the fish. At first, I was surprised that I had not heard about this important movement earlier, as I am a charter member of PETA, but then I realized that my group, People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, is occasionally at odds with that other, less popular PETA organization. It seems that PETA wants to put a cuter face on our piscean cousins (I mean, how can you club an aquatic kittie with your fish bonker?!) in order to prevent the ongoing extermination of these noble creatures. Once I had stopped laughing long enough to be able to focus on my computer screen, I went to their website and urge each of you to do so as well:
Save them water cats!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Beat me to the punch...I was laughing outloud too. I'll never look at a kitten the same way. Here kitty, kitty...