Monday, November 10, 2008

OK, I'm skipping California...

Our wifi coverage has been a bit spotty lately, and I'm once again a full state behind, so I'm just going to skip California... OK, I'll come back to it soon, but I couldn't resist posting some pictures of our experiences in Arizona.

To start with, it snowed on us a little bit in Flagstaff, and this was the view from our campground last night and this morning, respectively.

This snow has certainly helped us realize one thing: we definitely need to live somewhere with four seasons. You'd think we were little kids giddy about the possibility of a snow day from how excited we were when it started snowing (I know, I can sense you Alaskans headed to the courts to apply for an ex parte order already). We want a winter, just not one that's seven months long with interminable darkness. I had to take the middle picture just after sun-up, as the white stuff won't be here long (45 degrees for the expected high here today, and warmer down towards Sedona, where we'll be heading to today).

Prior to Flagstaff, we spent a couple days at the Grand Canyon, so I'll include a couple pics from there as well, though I'm going to do another blog soon with more photos...

Our first Arizona experience was down in Lake Havasu, which is this oasis of water in the desert, albeit a man-made one created by one of many dams along the Colorado River. If you traditionally think of a desert oasis attracting camels and other such beasts of burden, well, this one attracts fifth-wheels and all other manner of RVs.

In addition to the attraction of the lake itself, this particular oasis also features the London Bridge. OK, not the original bridge, but an exact replica built in the early seventies to reach an island area on the lake. It's a bit surreal to see this bridge with palm trees in the background.

They even have a couple dragons to denote the boundaries of this "London land," just as they do "over the pond."

Well, I have to go make a snowball before it all melts, so, more to come later...

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