**** A quick disclaimer: The date listed for this blog is deceptive. While I started it in late December, it was actually posted in mid-late January. Sorry for any confusion. ****
So as many of you know, one of the purposes of this trip Laura and I have been on for the last half-year or so was to figure out where the next part of our life was going to lead us. It was hard for us to leave our home of seventeen years in Anchorage and there is much that we will miss about Alaska, not the least of which is all of our friends there. However, I think we've figured out that there is just so much that we still want to do and see, and a home base down in the lower-48 will allow us to do some of that. Oh, and the shorter winters surely was not a factor at all in our decision... :)
So the next step was to figure out where we were going to settle next. For most of our trip, Western Montana has been at the top of our list, though we've found that there are many parts of the country where we could be quite happy. We were able to spend the holidays with family in the PA and NJ area (which accounts, in addition to my laziness, for the lack of blog posts here for over a month).
Then after the holidays and a month of worrying about the RV in a winter environment, we headed straight south to warmer climes (more on that phase of our trip in upcoming blogs). While we are going to wait out the rest of winter in sunny Florida and over into Texas, we've finally come to a final decision as to where this adventure is going to end, and the next one will begin. In reality, when all is said and done, it comes down to one simple thing: Family. The holidays helped us realize that, more than anything else, we need to be closer to our respective families, and that means a return to Pennsylvania.
So after all the searching and exploring, we are, once again back to the original plan of settling back on the East Coast. There are still many questions to be answered such as where specifically we'll be, and what career path we'll each be taking now, and I promise that we'll keep you all "in the loop" as these things are figured out.
One thing I do regret is that we will not have the opportunity to continue to reconnect with the West Coast part of the family in a manner that living in Montana would have allowed. The time that we were able to spend with that side of the family will remain one of the most important parts of this journey, and I promise that we are not going to allow that connection to lapse again. And to my long lost twin: I'm sorry that we won't able to serve as that fly-fishing base camp in Montana, but I'll scout the East Coast for you, and you'll have to come out this way some day. Oh, and by the way Patrick, you did win the latest music trivia question with the Winslow, AZ answer, and your prize will heading your way soon. I trust that answer was at least in part based upon personal knowledge, as opposed to a blind googling!? Sorry Karen, couldn't resist the jab.
One last thing before I wrap this one up. As some of you already know, I finally acquiesced and signed up on Facebook, so be patient with me while I figure that one out.
Soon to follow will be posts on the recent South Carolina and Florida parts of our trip, but I realized that during the lapse in posting, I never did get out the last installment of my bird photos from the Festival of the Cranes in New Mexico, so here they are:
I have another photo of this mule deer with it's ears back, but I couldn't figure our how to animate it to flip back and forth on this blog...
Gamble's Quail
Which of these things is not like the other? I call this my "Where's Waldo" bird pic...
and finally, "ghost geese..."
Sonora Pass, July 2019
5 years ago